Mayor Joe Riley with some of the charter members signing the SCSPLS Coastal Chapter into order (1980)
The Coastal Chapter of the South Carolina Society of Professional Land Surveyors was organized in the Fall of 1980. Charter members decided that local surveyors near the Charleston region needed representation within the state society. The first meetings were held at Carey Hillard's off of Rivers Avenue in North Charleston as a central location for the Dorchester, Berkeley, and Charleston counties. Since its beginning, Coastal Chapter members have met the last Tuesday of each month for fellowship, networking, and professional development. We are incredibly fortunate that some of the charter members are still in attendance today! For a list of past presidents and charter members, please scroll down our "about us" page below.
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We at the SCSPLS Coastal Chapter look forward to seeing our organization grow! Contact us to see how you can join and be a member!
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Coastal Chapter Constitution
SCSpls Coastal chapter constitution
Chapter Officers
President 2024-2025
Todd Phillips, PLS
Todd Phillips is a registered Professional Land Surveyor (PLS) in both North Carolina and South Carolina. He is employed by Gulf Stream Construction as the Direction of GPS Office Operations where he’s involved and has played a pivotal role in managing numerous large projects. He has a Bachelor of Science Degree from North Carolina State University and brings decades of experience to the Coastal Chapter South Carolina Society of Professional Land Surveyors. Todd enjoys spending time with his wife, and their son and daughter who attend Clemson University
The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Chapter and guide its functions, presiding at all meetings of the Chapter and Board of Directors. He/She shall appoint the Chairperson and members of all committees. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees. He/she shall have no vote in any matter being addressed by the chapter, provided however, in the event of a tie, he/she shall cast the deciding vote. He/she shall provide the Secretary-Treasurer with a copy of all official correspondence, which he/she receives for the permanent record of the chapter. He/she shall be responsible for the activities of all committees. He/she shall solicit input from the other officers on the agenda fro each meeting.
President-elect 2024-2025
The President-Elect shall, in the absence or disability of the President, perform the duties and exercise the powers of the President. The President-Elect shall perform additional duties as may be requested by the President. The President-Elect shall, in the absence or disability of the President, perform the duties and exercise the powers of the President. The President-Elect shall perform additional duties as may be requested by the President. He/she shall serve as Chapter Historian and maintain a current list of Past Presidents and have it as well as a list of the Charter Members published and copies made available at the first Chapter meeting of the fiscal year. He/she shall assist the president on the agenda of each meeting.
Past President 2024-2025
Aaron Taylor, PLS
Mr. Taylor has more than 35 years of experience in performing and supervising conventional and GPS surveys to support engineering design. His experience also includes verification of control networks and structures for heavy highway projects from initial layout to final as-built documentation. He also has experience in surveying and designing municipal utility projects, and has represented the South Carolina Professional Land Surveyors as the Utility Coordination Chairman working with the South Carolina Utilities Coordinating Committee and local affiliates..
The immediate Past President shall serve as Chairman of the Nominating Committee and shall perform additional duties as may be requested by the President. He/she shall serve as Chapter Parliamentarian and be conversant with the Rules of Order.
Secretary 2024-2025
Ben Allen
Ben is a new Coastal Chapter member and a Young Surveyor. He recently Graduated from the University of Maine’s Survey Engineering program and is working as a Project manager at ESP Associates. He is currently studying for his licensure examinations and working to organize the South Carolina Chapter of the NSPS Young Surveyors Network. As an Eagle Scout, Ben loves the outdoors and is always finding new adventures, whether surfing, backpacking, or traveling.
The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of the proceedings of the Chapter and Board of Directors, have charge of the records, and supervise the conduct of the Chapter correspondence giving all required notices. He/she shall keep minutes of all Chapter meetings and have it published prior to the following meeting. He/she shall mail/email before April 15th, the current year ballots for the election of officers to each member in good standing. He/she shall have a list of Officers, Directors, and Committees prepared and published with the Chapter meeting minutes.
Treasurer 2024-2025
John Byrnes, PLS
The Treasurer shall keep an accurate account of all Chapter funds and accounts. He/she shall have custody of all books, papers, moneys, records, and securities. He/She shall deposit same as directed by the President and make all legal and required disbursements from the funds of the Chapter. He/she shall keep full and accurate records of the finances of the chapter and submit all required statements of amounts to the Chapter with the Chapter meeting minutes.
SCSPLS Coastal Chapter Directors
directors 2025-2027:
directors 2024-2026:
directors 2023-2025:
directors 2022-2024:
directors 2021-2023: Danny Forsberg
directors 2020-2022:
directors 2019-2021: scott wilson, mark lamb, bobby king, john wade
directors 2018-2020: Todd phillips, michael hardy, lee howell, danny forsberg
directors 2017-2019: Chris coggin, robert dean, bill seaborn, william weathers
SCSPLS Distrct Director: Chuck Dawley, PLS
SCSPLS Coastal Chapter Representative: Maurice Wilder, PLS
SCSPLS Coastal Chapter Committees
Public relations committee - jESSICA MYERS (2023-2024 Chair)
Public Relations Committee shall be in charge of adopting programs that will better inform the public and enhance the image of the Surveyor in the eyes of the public. They shall coordinate activities with the State Society in connection with the promotion of National Surveyor's Week.
Membership Committee - TIM MAULL (2023-2024 chair)
Membership Committee shall work toward the goal of enlisting every registered active surveyor as member of the Chapter and act on applications for membership. They shall have a complete roster of the membership prepared annually and shall maintain a membership record showing the accounts of each member of the Chapter. They shall send a dues notice to each member at the end of the fiscal year.
Activities and programs committee - Lewis moore (2023-2024 chair)
Activities and Programs Committee shall assist the President by planning and carrying out activities and programs of all meetings. They shall coordinate a program for each Chapter meeting and it should be of topics related to surveying of the business of surveying.
Legal and legislative committee - todd phillips (2023-2024 chair)
Legal and Legislative Committee shall insure that all activities of the Chapter are within laws, ordinances, and regulations. They shall maintain liaison with state and local governments, aiding and advising whenever possible in establishing or amending rules and regulations that govern the practice of surveying. They shall monitor, in coordination with the State Society, the State Legislature for bills of interest to surveyors and report to the Chapter.
Ethics and standards committee - chuck dawley (2023-2024 chair)
Ethics and Standards Committee shall assist as needed in the application of the Minimum Standards Manual and have a current edition at all Chapter meetings. They shall promote professionalism among the membership.
constitution and by-laws committee - Ronnie tyler (2023-2024 Chair)
Constitution and By-Laws Committee shall oversee the activities of the Chapter as they relate to the Constitution and By-Laws and shall assist the Board of Directors as needed in proposing changes to the rules and organization. They shall review any constitutional questions which may arise and report to the Board of Directors. They shall review any changes or revisions to the Constitution or By-Laws at the state level. They shall have a current edition of the State Society and the Coastal Chapter Constitution and By-Laws at each Chapter meeting. They shall have the Coastal Chapter Constitution and By-Laws published and copies made available at the first Chapter meeting of the fiscal year.
Education committee - nancy “dee dee” schwacke (2023-2024 Chair)
Education Committee shall provide programs and seminars to help the practicing surveyor increase his knowledge and develop professionally. They shall maintain active communications with schools and colleges teaching surveying and mapping
SCSPLS Coastal Chapter Presidents
1980-1981 Joel Porcher
1981-1982 Joel Porcher
1982-1983 Sammy Harrelson
1983-1984 Sammy Harrelson
1984-1985 Curtis Lybrand
1985-1986 Curtis Lybrand
1986-1987 Gary Stroble
1987-1988 Ronnie Tyler
1988-1989 Ronnie Tyler
1989-1990 Elliotte Quinn
1990-1991 Elliotte Quinn
1991-1992 Tom Bessent
1992-1993 Larry Kennerty
1993-1994 Bud Anderson
1994-1995 David Spell
1995-1996 Roger Jennings
1996-1997 Bobby King
1997-1998 David Huff
1998-1999 Joe Priestner
1999-2000 Billy Ferguson
2000-2001 Dean Britt
2001-2002 Larry Kennerty
2002-2003 Pudgie Mason
2003-2004 Lee Frank
2004-2005 Jeff Cooper
2005-2006 Lewis Moore
2006-2007 Kevin Schwacke
2007-2008 Tim Maull
2008-2009 Tim Henderson
2009-2010 Chuck Dawley
2010-2011 Frankie Manhardt
2011-2012 Mike Johnson
2012-2013 Perry Gerard
2012-2013 Nancy Frasure (Schwacke)
2013-2014 Chuck Dawley
2014-2015 Chuck Dawley
2015-2016 Curtis Lybrand
2016-2017 Scott Wilson
2017-2018 Sandy Peabody
2018-2019 Lewis Moore
2019-2020 John T. Byrnes III.
2020-2021 Maurice Wilder
2021-2022 Kevin Thewes
2022-2023 Timothy Maull
SCSPLS Coastal Chapter Charter Members
*J. O'Hear SAnders, #499
*Moses Kenyon Millard, #635
*George A.Z. Johnson, #1894
*Thomas W. Bailey, #2006
*Lloyd S. Moore Jr., #2322
C. Roger Jennings, #2960
*Paul Clubreath Wash, #3012
W. Gene Whetsell, #3131
Joel P. Porcher, #3523
Albert Heatley Jr., #3973
William C. Boineau, #4173
*Hager E. Metts, #4183
Rober L. Hies, #4551
Thomas William Kennedy Jr., #4571
Samuel H. Harrelson, #4770
Charlie C. Chewning Jr., #4868
*Curtis W. Lybrand, Jr., #5770
Andrew Cleveland Gillette, #5933
Kenrick A. Mahoney, #6271
*Daniel E. Clark, #6670
Bobby Jack King, #6947
Homer P. Mason, #6951
Charles A. Rawls, #7345
William Porcher, #7407
Thomas L. Evans, #7617
James L. Owen Jr., #7624
Josiah McKenn Williams III, #7626
*David Eugene Huff, #8100
Thomas B. Richardson, #8612
*Dillard A. Turner, #8811
John r. Poole III, Associate
Richard J. Rhode, Associate
Ronnie L. Tyler, Associate